Future of Manufacturing Project White Paper: The Next Phase of Digital Evolution
About the White Paper
In 2021, the Manufacturing Leadership Council launched the Future of Manufacturing Project, formerly known as the Manufacturing in 2030 Project, to enable manufacturers to envision what the future of manufacturing will look like. That requires understanding the context in which manufacturing will operate in the decade ahead, from the population and economic trends that will shape the industry to the direction and velocity of Manufacturing 4.0’s technological advances. Most importantly, it requires identifying the challenges that all manufacturers will face as the industry moves to the next stage of Manufacturing 4.0. With that knowledge, manufacturers can better plan their longer-term future and find ways to enhance their value, competitiveness and contribution to society.
This white paper consists of three major parts – an examination of Megatrends affecting the industry; Industry Trends and Themes, including major technologies such as artificial intelligence; and Decision Points on the Road Ahead, including key questions that the industry needs to address in the years ahead.
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