Schneider Lighthouse

Increase Your Influence and Impact Through Membership

With an annual agenda shaped by thousands of executives from across all industries in manufacturing, the Manufacturing Leadership Council helps you gain insights on your most pressing challenges.

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 Critical Issues Agenda

MLC’s Critical Issues Agenda is an annual member-approved topical framework that ensures the MLC is delivering the most relevant content and events to help members achieve their business goals. It is validated each year through a member survey followed by a discussion and vote at the Annual Council Meeting, which takes place at the start of Rethink.  

View the full critical issues agenda

About Our Members

The MLC is comprised of the most innovative and insightful executives from all disciplines of manufacturing. The value members derive from these conversations they have with fellow members lead to both meaningful professional and personal relationships.

Functional Roles Represented in the MLC

Industries Represented in the MLC

Interested in learning about membership? Apply today!

The Manufacturing Leadership Council offers an annual corporate membership allowing any number of leaders from different functional areas across your organization to participate.  Complete the information below and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly!

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