Future of Manufacturing Project

About the White Paper

Now in its third year, the Manufacturing Leadership Council’s “Future of Manufacturing Project” continues to focus on its main goal: to enable manufacturers to envision what manufacturing might look like in the future. Achieving this goal entails thinking broadly about the intersection of the technology, organization and leadership trends shaping Manufacturing 4.0, the stage of industrial evolution based on the digitalization of manufacturing plants and factories. It also requires an intense focus on specific aspects of those trends to understand, at a deep level, the opportunities and challenges.

This research paper is part of the Project’s focus this year on what MLC calls “Data Mastery”—the ability to gather, organize, analyze and use information from all facets of manufacturing. Data Mastery produces step-changes in efficiency, cost-effectiveness and productivity. It enables better decision-making, while advancing new value creation and, ultimately, competitiveness.

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