Colin Speakman
Colin utilizes over 15 years of CPG industry experience to guide clients on how to turn their questions and vision into answers and action.
Colin leverages his global industry experience (he held brand management roles at Kraft Foods where he managed product re-inventions and developed a long-term innovation pipeline for several iconic brands) to deliver actionable advice for today’s CPG leaders. The time he has invested in his work, coupled with his hands-on approach to understanding how things “really work” within an organization’s functions enables him to help organizations develop and improve digital innovation capabilities through technology, organizational design, and business processes.
Colin received his MBA from the University of Virginia (Darden) and a BS from Case Western Reserve University.
Colin’s efforts have included time developing global innovation and corporate strategies, advising how to leverage advanced analytics and digital technologies to drive better innovation efforts, capability building around effective Regulatory, Quality & Food Safety Management and Compliance practices (including FSMA), the management of innovation portfolios, effective Change Management, along with the how to leverage enterprise-wide technologies like Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).