How Adaptive Skills Can Build the Manufacturing Sector of the Future

Gain strategies to close the skills gap that threatens to leave 2.1 million manufacturing jobs unfilled by 2030.

MLC Master Class Series: Panel Discussion


There is a need for broader and evolving skillsets in manufacturing to build a workforce that is motivated by opportunities for growth. Addressing this need will help manufacturers transition to workplaces where forward-thinking, engaging, and digitally enabled work is the norm. An important shift is for manufacturers to adapt a flexible view of potential talent, especially those who bring in transferable skills from other industries and backgrounds.

This session will discuss new research from The Manufacturing Institute and EY on adaptive skills in the manufacturing workplace, including:

  • Why you should infuse adaptive skills into your talent strategy
  • How to utilize adaptive skills to create new career paths
  • Pathways to creating an adaptive culture
  • Why you need to invest in individualized learning

Manufacturers are facing an urgent and critical opportunity to close the skills gap, which could leave 2.1 million jobs unfilled by 2030 if unaddressed. Learn how your organization can take advantage of adaptive skills to find a larger talent pool, improve worker retention, and create a business culture of success.


  • Lisa Caldwell, Americas Business Consulting Managing Partner
  • Steve Fuller, Advanced Manufacturing Regional Lead
  • Chad Moutray, Chief Economist, National Association of Manufacturers


  • Penelope Brown, Senior Content Director, Manufacturing Leadership Council

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