How to Monetize Your Organization’s Data Assets for the Future
Manufacturing in 2030 Project – Panel Discussion
According to the Manufacturing Leadership Council’s recent research, Manufacturing in 2030 Survey: A Lens on the Future, 84% of respondents said they expect the pace of digital transformation to accelerate over the rest of the decade. That means more data—and more opportunity to create value from it.
The emergence of generative AI also creates bigger and better opportunities for direct and indirect data monetization due to the breadth of data now available, both inside and outside the company. As manufacturers consider new use cases, the need for third-party data will increase, making data (both volume and variety) more valuable on data exchanges.
These factors have brought new focus and attention to data and its potential value—in all sectors, including data-rich manufacturing.
If you are just beginning down the path toward data monetization, or have started but stalled, now is the time to get refocused for the future. Opportunities await manufacturing leaders who can monetize untapped data assets to drive growth initiatives and develop new revenue streams over the next few years.
Join us for this special M2030 webinar to gain new perspectives on your organization’s data, and how to generate new, innovative, and measurable value streams from your current and future data assets.
Key Takeaways:
- Misconceptions of what data monetization is and isn’t
- A framework for identifying and measuring the potential value of direct and indirect data monetization opportunities
- How generative AI is a game changer for data analysis, valuation, and monetization
- Leveraging use cases from and beyond the manufacturing industry
Speakers and Moderator
- Doug Laney, Innovation Fellow – Data & Analytics Strategy, West Monroe
- David McGraw, Senior Manager, Consumer & Industrial Products, West Monroe
- Paul Tate, Co-Founding Executive Editor and Senior Content Director, Manufacturing Leadership Council
This call is part of the MLC’s Manufacturing in 2030 project.
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