Why should you consider nominating your team for a Manufacturing Leadership Award? One word: Innovation. Your company depends on it to stay competitive in the digital era. How can you inspire your team to discover your next big idea?
Nothing drives innovation quite like competition. When your team beats out other industry leaders to win a prestigious award, something incredible happens. They continue to innovate and work even harder to help your company thrive.
The Manufacturing Leadership Awards is the ultimate innovator’s competition. It’s the only award that recognizes achievements in Manufacturing 4.0. It rewards forward-thinking manufacturers in front of their peers and fuels further innovations—to move the industry forward.
But is it really worth your time and effort to enter an awards competition? The short answer is yes. Benefits are numerous and include improved employee engagement and retention. Engaged employees are more likely to share ideas that can improve efficiencies, enhance your processes and reduce costs.
Additionally, winning a Manufacturing Leadership Award can reinforce your customers’ decision to do business with you. You could also gain new business through networking at the Manufacturing Leadership Awards Gala along with highly publicized awards recognition.
The Manufacturing Leadership Awards nominations are now open. This year’s competition includes 12 categories – nine for company-level project awards and three for individual leaders. New for 2020, each project category will include a small/medium enterprise high achiever award to recognize the most innovative small businesses. A new Community Service Leadership individual award has also been introduced to recognize leaders who have had a measurable impact on giving back to their local community.
Nominate today to reward your team and drive innovation at your company. Learn more at https://mlawards.manufacturingleadershipcouncil.com.