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ML Journal

Welcome New Members of the MLC December 2024

Introducing the latest new members to the Manufacturing Leadership Council

Kyle Bender

Falcon Plastics


Bob Border

Chief Digital and Information Officer


Evan Doepker

President and CEO
Doepker Industries Limited


Rodolfo Luzardo



Rick Organ

President and CEO
Hynes Industries


Jon Singer




Colin Speakman

Digital Transformation Leader
Kalypso, a Rockwell Automation Business



ML Journal

Dialogue: Accessibility Unlocks Untapped Talent

Angela Accurso, a Next-Generation Leadership winner, shares how accessibility through tech and training can bring untapped workers into manufacturing. 


Penelope Brown: Hello everyone and welcome to our latest edition of Executive Dialogue and I’m happy to be here today with Angela Accurso who was one of our Next-Generation Leadership winners at this most recent year’s Manufacturing Leadership Awards. We had a really great crop of young leaders honored in this category this year and Angela, of course, had some really outstanding accomplishments.

Angela it’s great to have you here today.

Angela Accurso: It’s great to be here thank you for having me.

PB: And I should back up a bit. Angela is the director of workforce programs at the MxD, so much of her focus is on accessibility in manufacturing and that’s what we’re going to talk about a little bit today.

Angela much of your work is about making manufacturing more accessible to those with disabilities, so how do you define accessibility?

AA: Great question and on the baseline level, it really truly means that everyone – regardless of disability status or any other characteristics – has access to and can fully engage within the workplace within manufacturing. But as I think of it, it also goes beyond that so what can manufacturers and the workplace do to meet the physical, social and cognitive needs of every employee and also foster that sense of inclusion where everyone feels valued, everyone feels heard and actually feels that they’re a part of something larger and are appreciated for who they are as a person and what they bring to the table.

PB: Let’s talk about some of those specific things that manufacturers can do. How can a manufacturer take stock of their accessibility? And what are the some of the things that they might be able to do to improve it?

AA: There are a number of different ways to do that. First is really put in the work to undergo the training it’s not a surprise that perhaps not many workplaces have really invested in disability inclusion or disability accessibility training. There are a number of different partners within communities – whether that’s a community-based organization within your network or other folks or consultants that specialize in disability inclusion – those are certainly really great places to start.

“[Accessibility] truly means that everyone – regardless of disability status or any other characteristics – has access to and can fully engage within the workplace.”


MxD is developing an accessibility training for manufacturers as well as university and community college partners, and we’re developing that in partnership with Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago, which is a community-based organization here in the Chicagoland area and they’re part of a national network for centers for independent living and we’re developing that. Currently we’re actually undergoing in-person trainings with manufacturers across Illinois and Wisconsin, but we are developing a training that is going to be a virtual course on our virtual training center platform so individuals who would like to really prioritize disability inclusion can take those courses and understand how to learn the language of disability, how to understand how your operations can be improved, and they can do that from anywhere in the world. That’s going to be dropping in just the next month or so,  but if you’re really prone to wanting to work with a community-based organization, your own community is a really great way and place to start. Doing the work and walking your talk is a really great place to showcase to your employees that you do care about disability inclusion.

Other great ways to do that are doing a full audit. How do you empower your staff to actually feel comfortable coming forward if they do have a disability? One thing I’ll illuminate to manufacturers is that you very much have employees with disabilities already working with you right now. There are 61 million people in the United States who identify as having a disability. While the rates of unemployment are higher for individuals with disabilities, there are certainly individuals with disabilities  represented across every sector in the United States including manufacturing. Manufacturers may just not know that an individual has a disability because they don’t feel comfortable coming to disclose or feel perhaps their job might be at risk. We know that about 76% of employees with disabilities do not disclose that to their employer. And so employers may be thinking “Oh that’s not a need I have to meet on one side because I don’t have an employee that has actively shared that they have a disability.” Whereas employees are saying “I don’t feel comfortable fully coming forward and I can’t fully engage with work the way I want to.” So being able to analyze your current practices and how you could make your workplace more inclusive from the get-go from anybody would be a great place to start. Analyzing policies and procedures, do you have accessible infrastructure, do you have a ramp that could be useful for somebody that uses a wheelchair, those sorts of things.

A lot of those are relatively simple fixes. The median cost of a reasonable accommodation is only $500, so for relatively small investment, employers could be making really great headway for individuals who work for them.

And then also thinking about technology. Technology not just for innovation’s sake, but how you can actually use technology to create accessible working environments because we believe that technology can actually be something that levels the playing field for all individuals in the workplace.

PB: Yes, let’s dive into that a little bit. I mean obviously here at the Manufacturing Leadership Council our focus is very much on shop floor technology, so how can that be something that can bridge a gap for workers with disabilities?

AA: Some of the technologies that we discuss as emerging technologies are great use cases for disability inclusion: augmented reality, virtual reality, the use of drones or robots. You know those are things that while they have a use case for innovation that we talk about time and time again, we don’t necessarily talk about them being something that can actually support disability inclusion.

“The median cost of a reasonable accommodation is only $500, so for a relatively small investment, employers could be making really great headway.”


For an example, augmented reality. We have this on MxD’s factory floor tour. We demonstrate augmented reality in an assembly line fashion and it essentially projects through light-guided systems work instructions onto an assembly line table and provides turn-by-turn instructions for an individual to actually go through the assembly process, which is really great if you think about an individual who perhaps has a disability that impacts their memory, being able to have the turn-by-turn instructions is a great way to ensure that they’re fully comfortable with the process.

Virtual reality is also a great way to simulate what a working environment can look like before an individual even starts the work process and is great for an individual with a disability to be comfortable with what the environment will look like and gain that spatial awareness.

There are a number of different use cases where we talk about technology being a catalyst for innovation but also being a catalyst for disability inclusion. We challenge manufacturers to think a little bit about it being a win-win scenario: not only are you investing in emerging technology to help your operations run better, faster, smarter, more efficient, but you’re also allowing a whole crop of really talented people and an untapped talent pool to be able to participate in work that they perhaps haven’t been able to before.

PB:  Let’s talk a little bit about that untapped talent pool because obviously manufacturers, are struggling to hire. At the end of June there were something like 900,000 unfilled jobs nationally in manufacturing and maybe that figure has been updated but I can’t imagine it’s moved very much. So I would think that creating a more accessible workplace would help to address some of that issue and could bring in more talent to a manufacturer?

AA: Absolutely. We know exactly 900,000 open manufacturing jobs and then a grimmer outlook too when you’re thinking about the end of the decade when a projected more than 2 million unfilled manufacturing jobs are expected to be lost due to a skills gap and due to retirement but also not being able to build up that talent pipeline. And we can’t keep thinking about if we, perhaps, have a vision of what an ideal worker in manufacturing looks like that doesn’t include untapped or under-engaged talent including individuals with disabilities, black and brown communities, veterans, women – these are all talent groups that really have not been engaged as much as they should be within manufacturing. As a result, we don’t have that talent pipeline to build up.

Some really great organizations including MxD, including other Manufacturing Innovation Institutes (MIIs) and other community-based organizations have seen that this is really an opportunity for manufacturers to think outside the box of what their traditional thought process is behind an ideal individual to work in manufacturing. But that also requires manufacturers to have to do the work to make sure that they’re creating workplaces that are incredibly accessible and inclusive because we’ve heard time and time again employees say, “I did the work, I went through the training, I dedicated my time to get a certificate in what my employer said, but at the end of the day I didn’t feel comfortable working there because I didn’t see myself there, I didn’t feel that I had the infrastructure there to support me, whether that be time off to leave early and pick up my kids from school or take time off for leave or at the very basic level there wasn’t a ramp for me to be able to enter the building  if I use a wheelchair.”

There’s certainly a lot of individuals who understand what a great career at manufacturing can be but we need manufacturers to really understand they have to do the work to make it a great place to work.

“We need manufacturers to really understand they have to do the work to make it a great place to work.”


PB: Let’s talk a little bit about your career background. Before you came to MxD, you were working on strategic programs at YWCA, which is obviously a much different organization than heavy industry or manufacturing. How did that experience inform what you’re working to accomplish in manufacturing now?

AA: Yeah, you’re totally right. It was a completely different industry in that I came to MxD without a whole lot of technical background on manufacturing, but I certainly knew what a great economic opportunity it could be to have a manufacturing job. And the programming that I led at YWCA Chicago was aligned mostly toward their mission to eliminate racism and empower women. We had a number of different programs to do that including economic empowerment programming – programs to help women and black and brown communities get into trades jobs. That could include electricians, it could include manufacturing, but we had a number of programs to get folks into the trades and we saw individuals have just the most incredible success stories. Going from working $12 an hour to going through a 12-week training program at YWCA Chicago and graduating after that 3 months making $65,000 starting salary and with benefits. That is huge, huge, huge and it speaks to the potential of a manufacturing career. When we think about manufacturing jobs I think they can be a catalyst to rebuild the American middle class, can be a source of financial sustainability, and really making sure that folks who have not had access to those job opportunities or those career opportunities it really is a game changer for economic and financial sustainability.

These are really strong family sustaining wages that have been very strong for a really long time and is one of the really wonderful perks that manufacturing offers and a lot of what I saw at YWCA Chicago has guided the design of our MxD programming as well.

So how do we engage the under-engaged including women, minorities, veterans, individuals with disabilities and you-name-it, but also how do we get the word out about what I think is just a really great kept secret – and I don’t want it to be a great kept secret anymore: American manufacturing jobs are really, really strong and they can be such a source for economic vitality within the United States.

PB: In your nomination for the Manufacturing Leadership Awards last year, a theme that kept getting repeated over and over again was your ability to really create collaborations, especially across organizations. What do you think are keys to creating a successful collaboration?

AA: As much as I would like to say that MxD, alone, is going to close that 2 million worker gap, it’s just not feasible. No single organization is going to be able to do this alone. When you find those right partners that have that shared mission, that vision and goal are really going to be key to a strong collaboration. Often we get bogged down in the day-to-day and think that we’re the only ones focused on this work, but in reality there are a lot of really great organizations that are so aligned and so eager to partner. It could be a community college that is really ingrained in their community and really understands what their community needs and it has tapped into high schools and employers needs as well. And then perhaps how can we support them in getting great content? Or how can we be thought leaders about American manufacturing jobs and the importance of an inclusive workforce? And there is also an employer that says “I’m on it. I absolutely believe what you’re putting down and now I’m going to go out there and hire more individuals with disabilities, but I do need your support in helping me do the work.”

That’s how we can support and help with our training courses. So I think that mission alignment and goal alignment and the shared values are going to be key to really setting up any collaboration for success.

PB: Well, all of this is incredibly important and shows why you are one of our top Next-Generation Leadership winners last year. You have some tremendous insights on all of this. Thank you so much for your time today and for sharing all of this with us and we’re really excited to see what you do in the future.

AA: Thank you very much. It’s been a pleasure and an honor to be a part of this process.

PB: Thanks, Angela.

AA: Thank you.  M

About the Interviewer:

Penelope Brown


Penelope Brown is Senior Content Director for the NAM’s Manufacturing Leadership Council

ML Journal

MLC in 2024: Photo Gallery

MLC events bring opportunities for networking, learning, and innovation for leaders on the M4.0 journey.  


The Manufacturing Leadership Council, a division of the National Association of Manufacturers, welcomed its members and other leaders from the manufacturing community to several events in 2024, including plant tours and Rethink, the Council’s signature event. These images represent a sample of this year’s in-person events.

All images copyright of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). 

Rethink: Accelerating Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

June 2-5, 2024 / Marco Island, FL

The MLC welcomed a record number of attendees at its flagship event in 2024, with more than 900 manufacturing leaders joining either in person or virtually for the 20th anniversary edition in Marco Island, FL. The event kicked off with an economic panel discussion over breakfast, a first-ever Women in M4.0 luncheon, and the MLC’s Annual Council Meeting. It was followed by two days of main stage content and breakout sessions to help manufacturers accelerate their digital journey.

Manufacturing Leadership Awards Gala 2024

June 5, 2024 / Marco Island, FL

The 20th anniversary Manufacturing Leadership Awards Gala was a black-tie celebration of manufacturing’s world-class manufacturing innovation leaders. More than 150 digital manufacturing projects and high-performing individual leaders were recognized at the gala.


Plant Tour: Amazon Fulfillment Center

July 23-24, 2024 / Seattle, WA

Exploring how a culture of innovation feeds into business success at Amazon, attendees at MLC’s sold-out plant tour got a look at the company’s approach to data, supply chain and procurement and a deep dive into its progression from its earliest beginnings. The tour concluded with a session on Amazon’s pillars for manufacturing’s future: data as a foundation, AWS supply chain, and strategic procurement.

Plant Tour: Enersys

October 8-9, 2024 / Richmond, KY

How does a century-old operation evolve into a benchmark for modern lean manufacturing, assembly and distribution? MLC members found out at a plant tour at Enersys, a producer of batteries and battery chargers, seeing first-hand a playbook for how lean principles join with digital tools and employee-led initiatives to enable fast and flexible responses to customer needs.

About the author: 

Penelope Brown


Penelope Brown
is Senior Content Director for the NAM’s Manufacturing Leadership Council




Get Ready for the Best of Manufacturing Leadership

As 2024 winds down, the Manufacturing Leadership Journal is capping off the year with a special “Best of” issue that celebrates the most impactful moments, insights, and innovations from the Manufacturing Leadership Council. Launching in December, this edition is a treasure trove of highlights showcasing the best content we’ve produced this year — and it’s not to be missed!

Here’s what’s inside:

  • Best of MLC Research: Unlock the top takeaways from our groundbreaking research surveys that shaped conversations around Manufacturing 4.0 in 2024.
  • Best of Rethink: Relive the energy of our premier event with video highlights from thought-provoking sessions, dynamic panels, and more.
  • Best of the Future of Manufacturing Project: Discover insights from this year’s flagship initiative, including highlights from virtual events, Future of Manufacturing Project Crystal Ball articles, and the pivotal survey report, Data Mastery: A Key to Industrial Competitiveness.
  • Best of the Manufacturing Leadership Journal: Revisit this year’s standout articles, which are packed with ideas and insights sure to move your Manufacturing 4.0 journey forward.
  • Best of Decision Compass Calls: Access this year’s standout Decision Compass calls and hear discussions that provided actionable strategies and inspiration for manufacturing leaders.

Plus, dive into a photo retrospective celebrating the 20th anniversary of Rethink and the Manufacturing Leadership Awards Gala, and exclusive plant tours at EnerSys and Amazon.

In addition to the “Best of” features, this issue includes brand-new content including an introduction to the MLC’s newest members, a Future of Manufacturing Project article by EY, and an exclusive Executive Dialogue interview with Angela Accurso, co-winner of the Manufacturing Leadership Award for Next-Generation Leadership.

This “Best of” edition is your chance to reflect on the strides made in manufacturing leadership this year and gear up for the opportunities ahead. Be sure to check it out this December to celebrate and learn from the best of 2024!

Input Stories

Nominations Open for the 2025 Manufacturing Leadership Awards

Nominations for the Manufacturing Leadership Council’s flagship awards are now open.

What’s going on: The Manufacturing Leadership Awards—given annually by the MLC, the NAM’s digital transformation arm—honor manufacturing companies and leaders for the groundbreaking use of digital manufacturing. Those interested in submitting company and/or individual names for consideration for the 2025 awards can do so through Jan. 17, 2025.

  • Awards will be given in nine project categories and three individual categories. New for 2025 are Business Model Transformation (for projects) and Women in Manufacturing 4.0 (for individuals).

How they’re evaluated: For the individual categories, the judges—a panel of established digital manufacturing experts from outside the MLC—assess whether nominees have advanced digital transformation at their companies and whether they meet the criteria for being role models to other manufacturing leaders.

  • For the project categories, judges evaluate how each undertaking improved manufacturing processes, furthered business goals and advanced company strategy.

What happens next: Finalists will be notified in March 2025 and announced shortly afterward. Winners will be announced at the Manufacturing Leadership Awards Gala next June.

  • “The Manufacturing Leadership Awards give the MLC the chance each year to honor some of the remarkable people and endeavors in manufacturing today,” said MLC Senior Content Director Penelope Brown. “We look forward to reviewing the nominations and learning more about the incredible innovation taking place in our industry.”

Get involved: Have a person or project in mind for the 2025 Manufacturing Leadership Awards? Submit their names here.

  • MLC members receive one complimentary project entry and one complimentary individual entry.


Plant Tour reviews

EnerSys Tour Offers Immersive Lean Manufacturing Insights

MLC members explore lean ecosystems, advanced battery production, and agile fulfillment strategies at EnerSys' Richmond facility.

EnerSys Plant Tour 2024

EnerSys’ Richmond, Kentucky, facility opened its doors to Manufacturing Leadership Council members, offering a first-hand look at how a century-old operation has evolved into a benchmark for modern lean manufacturing, assembly and distribution. The visit was more than a tour—it was an immersive experience into lean principles that are not just deployed but embedded holistically across processes, people, and locations. The EnerSys Operating System and the integration of traditional and advanced battery production demonstrated the power of scalable lean ecosystems that operate seamlessly in both legacy and digitally transformed environments.

The Richmond site produces battery chargers and batteries, some weighing as much as two tons. The batteries produced in Richmond include traditional lead-acid motive power batteries for industrial equipment, maintenance-free thin plate pure lead (TPPL) batteries, and lithium-ion batteries. Tour participants made their way through the company’s Mega Distribution Center and the battery manufacturing facility.

EnerSys Tour_2024

One highlight of the tour was EnerSys’ innovative 24-hour “book-and-ship” program, demonstrating how lean principles have enabled fast and flexible responses to customer needs. Visitors also observed how EnerSys identifies and eliminates waste to improve efficiency and enhance sustainability. This included a deep dive into how employee-led initiatives, coupled with digital tools, have driven continuous improvements in product quality, workplace safety and other areas.

These employee-led initiatives play a critical role in driving continuous improvements in quality, safety, and operational performance. Tour attendees were also invited to engage directly with these processes by completing Accountability Tag cards—an exercise EnerSys employees regularly use to spot and address operational deficiencies. The cards prompted participants to document potential problems, propose quick fixes, and complete a 5 Whys analysis to uncover root causes.

Enersys Tour 2024

The tour concluded with two breakout sessions and a panel discussion and Q&A session where EnerSys leaders answered participants’ questions. The company’s leaders focused on the challenges of scaling the EnerSys Operating System, the role of technology in their processes, and what’s next for the company.

Participants left the event with actionable insights to apply within their own organizations. Many were inspired by EnerSys’ ability to seamlessly blend traditional manufacturing with modern technology, proving that even legacy operations can achieve agility and innovation.

All photos by Ian Wagreich / National Assoc. of Manufacturers, Copyright 2024


EnerSys Tour 2024

EnerSys Tour 2024

EnerSys Tour 2024

EnerSys Tour 2024


ML Journal

How Manufacturers Can Use Industry 4.0 to Attract Gen Z

Industry 4.0 technologies offer novel ways to attract Gen Z talent, a generation that values involvement, autonomy, and purpose in its work.  


Industry 4.0 technologies that are revolutionizing manufacturing production processes can also shape the worker experience and attract Gen Z talent.
Manufacturers can use Industry 4.0 technologies for data-driven empowerment, to eliminate repetitive tasks, and to enable collaboration.
A demonstrated commitment to sustainability can attract Gen Z employees who are deeply concerned about environmental impact.  


We’re currently witnessing the convergence of two significant megatrends that are shaping the future of work and the workforce—namely, rapid technological advancements driving Industry 4.0 and the entry of Generation Z (Gen Z) into the workforce. Each trend is incredibly powerful on its own; together, they are creating a unique set of challenges and opportunities that businesses can’t afford to ignore (Table 1).

Table 1:  Parallels Between Industry 4.0 and Gen Z

Despite the alignment, traditional manufacturing environments often fall short of the dynamic, purpose-driven workplaces Gen Z expects. According to a McKinsey & Company article, since 2019, the proportion of Gen Z talent in manufacturing has declined, even as more Gen Z workers enter the overall workforce.

How do we bridge the gap between the sleek, digitally optimized vision of Industry 4.0 and the perception of manufacturing environments as gritty and uninspiring in order to attract the very talent needed to drive this transformation?

The solution entails creating a work environment that resonates with today’s employees’ values and expectations. To do this effectively, organizations should redefine the worker experience for productivity and engagement, make manufacturing appealing to the workforce of the future, and embed sustainability as a core value.

Redefine the Worker Experience for Productivity and Engagement

The Challenge: Traditional manufacturing work environments have often been structured around rigid hierarchies and repetitive tasks. This approach is increasingly out of step with the expectations of a younger workforce that values involvement, autonomy, and purpose.

The Solution: Industry 4.0 technologies—such as IoT, AI, virtual twins, collaborative platforms, and automation—are revolutionizing production processes in the factory of the future, and should also form the foundation of the worker experience. These technologies enable a seamless integration between human capabilities and advanced machinery, creating an environment where workers are more than just operators; they become active participants in innovation, decision-making, and problem-solving.

By integrating Industry 4.0 technologies into the workplace, companies can significantly boost employee engagement by creating a more empowering and collaborative environment. Manufacturers can use these technologies to make three significant improvements:

  1. Data-Driven Empowerment: Provide real-time data access that allows workers to make informed decisions on the spot, enhancing their control and confidence in their roles.
  2. Eliminating Repetitive Tasks: Use AI-driven automation to take over mundane tasks, enabling employees to focus on creative and impactful work.
  3. Enabling Collaboration: Implement platforms that facilitate direct communication and idea-sharing between workers and management, ensuring that employee insights drive continuous improvement.

Together, these elements create a complete ecosystem where employees are not just participants but active drivers of progress, leading to higher satisfaction, motivation, and overall productivity.

Make Manufacturing Appealing to the Workforce of the Future

The Challenge: Manufacturing has a serious image problem—high turnover rates, perceptions of dirty and mundane work, and a lack of clear career paths make it difficult to attract and retain talent.

The Solution: Manufacturing can draw lessons from how the software industry reinvented itself to attract young talent. The evolution of manufacturing will likely follow a similar path—by aligning with values that matter to younger generations.

Table 2:  Engagement Strategies and Software Industry Lessons

Manufacturing leaders are already innovating by merging traditional Lean practices with Industry 4.0 technologies such as digital Lean boards, automation, and remote collaboration. This shift positions manufacturing as more aligned with the tech-driven expectations of the emerging workforce, setting the stage for broader industry transformation​.

Embed Sustainability as a Core Value

The Challenge: Sustainability is no longer a “nice to have”—it’s a non-negotiable expectation from both consumers and employees, particularly among younger generations who are deeply concerned about environmental impact.

The Solution: Companies need to go beyond greenwashing and integrate sustainability into every aspect of their operations. A key way to achieve this is through the use of virtual twins, which enable companies to fully integrate sustainability into their operations from the outset. By creating detailed digital replicas of processes and products, organizations can simulate, test, and optimize in a virtual environment before moving to real-world implementation. This approach helps identify waste, reduce resource use, and streamline production, ensuring that sustainable practices are embedded from the design stage onward. By using virtual twins as a strategic tool, companies can ensure that sustainability is not merely an add-on but a driving force behind all business decisions.

The convergence of Industry 4.0 and Gen Z entering the workforce isn’t just a shift—it’s a call to action. Companies that recognize this intersection as an opportunity to reinvent how they attract, engage, and retain talent will be the ones that stay ahead.

What’s Next?

Manufacturers must start by evaluating their current employee experience and identifying areas where Industry 4.0 technologies can empower workers rather than simply automate tasks. Invest in digital platforms that encourage real-time collaboration, build clear career paths aligned with upskilling opportunities, and integrate sustainability into core operations. Most importantly, engage directly with Gen Z employees to understand their values and expectations—co-creating solutions with them will ensure that the workplace is both future-ready and appealing to the talent needed to drive this transformation. The time to act is now, and those who do will shape the workforce of tomorrow.  M

About the author:


Buddhi Ratawal is a manager in the Strategy & Marketing Team at Dassault Systèmes.



ML Journal

Seeing the Unseen: Observability in Manufacturing

Apply software observability to manufacturing to bridge the gap 

MLC Future of Manufacturing Project

Leverage observability principles to gain real-time insights into your operations, empowering your team to make faster, data-driven decisions that enhance efficiency.
Adopt digital technologies to break free from geographical constraints, enabling remote monitoring and control that optimize your production processes globally.
Implement computer vision and AI to revolutionize your manufacturing, improving efficiency, safety, and overall operational excellence by capturing and analyzing real-world data.  

The software industry has experienced a seismic shift with the introduction of observability. Gone are the days of guesswork and reactive problem-solving. Today, software systems boast unprecedented transparency, empowering engineers to comprehend system behavior, swiftly identify anomalies, and fine-tune performance. As the manufacturing sector embraces digital transformation, the principles of software observability offer a powerful framework for achieving operational excellence.

Central to software observability is the ability to collect, process, and analyze real-time operational data. Metrics, logs, and traces provide granular insights into system health, performance, and user experience. In manufacturing, this translates to machine sensor data, quality control reports, production line performance metrics, and more. By correlating this data, manufacturers can gain unparalleled visibility into their operations, paving the way for data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.

Imagine a manufacturing landscape where processes are as meticulously version-controlled as software code. Every assembly line configuration, machine parameter, and quality control check is systematically recorded and traceable. This level of control, once a distant aspiration, is now within reach as manufacturing and the digital realm converge.

Software observability principles relevant to manufacturing extend beyond data. A fundamental shift has occurred in the relationship between humans and computers. In the past, software engineers were tethered to physical machines, often working in close proximity to the hardware. Today, the majority of software development is cloud-based, with engineers accessing and managing systems remotely. This decoupling of geography from computation has opened up new possibilities for collaboration and innovation.

Leveraging remote monitoring and control allows manufacturers to oversee operations from anywhere, detect issues early on, and respond swiftly to minimize downtime.


Similarly, manufacturing can benefit from breaking free from geographical constraints. Traditional manufacturing models often necessitate proximity to suppliers and labor pools. While these factors remain important, observability and digital technologies introduce a new level of flexibility. By leveraging remote monitoring and control, manufacturers can oversee operations from anywhere, detect issues early on, and respond swiftly to minimize downtime. This capability is invaluable for global operations and in scenarios with limited on-site personnel.

However, unlike the digital realm, where data is inherently observable and repeatable, the physical world introduces complexity. Quality issues, for example, often stem from analog faults that are difficult to capture digitally. To address this, manufacturers need to go beyond traditional logs and incorporate rich video and metadata to accurately represent the state of the real world.

To fully unlock the potential of observability in manufacturing, computer vision systems will be instrumental. By digitizing the physical world through video, manufacturers can capture a wealth of information about processes, equipment, and personnel. Advanced computer vision platforms can then analyze this video data to extract actionable insights, identify anomalies, and optimize operations. For instance, by tracking the movement of objects on a production line, computer vision can pinpoint bottlenecks and inefficiencies. By analyzing worker behavior, it can identify safety hazards and optimize ergonomics. The fusion of video data and AI-powered analysis will be essential for achieving the level of observability needed to revolutionize manufacturing.

The principles of software observability offer a compelling blueprint for reimagining manufacturing operations. By approaching production processes as software systems and harnessing technologies like computer vision, manufacturers can attain unprecedented levels of visibility, control, and efficiency.  M

About the Author:

Eric Danziger, Invisible AI


Eric Danziger is CEO and Co-Founder of Invisible AI.



Invisible AI is a proud partner of MLC’s Future of Manufacturing Project.


ML Journal

Effective Digital Transformation Leadership Practices

Digitalization, big data and intelligent analytics place new demands on smart factory initiatives. 


Leading through influence, as opposed to authority, helps to get people on board with digital transformation, empowering them to collaborate in support of common goals.
Focusing on solving specific, high-priority problems aligns relevancy and effectiveness for digital transformation initiatives.
An effective framework and leadership will set the stage for a feasible solution that meets smart factory goals, creates business value and supports a long-term strategy.   


Classic operational technology project challenges are more complex in the Manufacturing 4.0 era. A prime example is predictive technology implementations. Long considered a maintenance best practice across the industrial spectrum, predictive maintenance solutions are valued for helping to detect degrading asset conditions in time to prevent machine failure and the risks and costs that come with unplanned downtime.

The emergence of the cloud, smart sensors, AI and machine learning gave rise to remote condition monitoring and real-time integrated predictive maintenance, which increasingly leverages AI-enabled predictive models, prescriptive analytics supporting corrective actions for streamlined decision making and automated work order generation.

As a result, once discrete initiatives such as vibration monitoring on a critical motor bearing for predictive maintenance are now just one facet of a broader digital transformation, with applications throughout the organization.

With the extraordinary pace of innovation, key leadership skills are more essential to ensure success in implementing today’s best practices and sophisticated technologies, while preparing the organization for the next evolution of manufacturing.

Top Challenges in M4.0 Leadership and How to Overcome Them

Digital transformation leaders are faced with three distinct challenges that can be managed with leadership best practices.

Challenge #1: Have a clear understanding of the problems you are trying to solve and maintain focus on them.

Best practices:

  • Avoid the hype: Do not allow the industry and vendors to define your problems for you. Identify and set priorities that match your organization’s specific needs and goals, whether they involve machine reliability, operational support, product quality or otherwise.
  • Start small: Identify and target manageable problems, such as adding a sensor to retrieve vibration data from a problematic machine in order to predict and prevent unplanned downtime. It will lay the foundation and provide the evidence to make the case for the next, bigger step on the journey.
  • Stay focused: Do not lose sight of why a problem is worth solving. This helps to avoid the pilot purgatory, endless experimentation and scope creep that come from showing what can be done, even if it is not worthwhile for the business, rather than solving known problems.

Challenge #2: Establish a digital transformation approach that offers the most flexibility and agility.

Best practices:

  • Plan ahead: Develop a solution framework that focuses on evolution rather than revolution and allows you to potentially solve other problems down the line. For instance, adding sensors to machines could lead to connecting to machine controls, which could lead to integrating with a manufacturing execution or asset management system.
  • Optimize the data: Choose solutions that work with data from a variety of sources, and then contextualize that data in a way that is meaningful relative to the problems you are trying to solve.
  • Do not get boxed in: Flexibility is lost if you choose conflicting or divergent technological solutions, such as a machine-specific solution that is not compatible with other machines on the line or with other assets in the plant.
  • Avoid competing projects: Managing a coherent program saves time, effort and costs. It avoids the solution silos and future integration challenges that arise when too many people solve the same problem in different areas and in different ways.
  • Get help: Identify and leverage digital transformation experts and advisors as needed, both internal and external, to ensure a cohesive approach and framework.

Challenge #3: Gain and sustain buy-in and organizational awareness for what you are trying to achieve.

Best practices:

  • Celebrate the wins: Use each proof of concept, even the smallest ones, as evidence to make the subsequent business case to your teams as well as to those who may not yet believe in what you are trying to achieve.
  • Have a plan: Create a strategy and clear action plan for improving the business culture. Be sure to include benchmarking metrics and systems for monitoring and measuring progress.
  • Optimize the talent: Empower all levels of your team with the skills, resources and capacity for digital transformation, whether using internal personnel or trusted partners. Consider R&D, engineering, project management, maintenance, operations, IT/OT, networking, data governance, regulatory, cybersecurity, external audit and corporate roles.
  • Close the deal: Align the culture and work process to the new solutions as they are deployed.

Soft and Hard Leadership Skills are Crucial for Success

In the M4.0 era, communicating a clear vision of what you are trying to accomplish to all levels affected by the change is more important than ever. For some, the benefits are self-evident, and for others, digital transformation concepts are not as intuitive.

Leading through influence, as opposed to authority, helps to get people on board with digital transformation. It leverages relationships, expertise and active listening to engage and empower the individuals who develop a sense of ownership and the confidence to collaborate in support of the common goals.

Team building involves getting capable people into key positions, setting expectations, developing skill sets as needed and encouraging trust and collaboration. Resolving conflicts and rewarding efforts also come into play.

Organizational culture change leadership helps to cement the transformation. When high engagement, data-driven results, continuous improvements and employee safety and well-being are ingrained in the culture, team members are more motivated and committed to the program’s success.

The Future of Transformation Leadership

As M4.0 and beyond evolves, so will the role of leaders. For example, more data than ever will be available and needed to redefine strategic, data-driven decision making, and enhanced cybersecurity and IT/OT convergence will become the norm. Consequently, continually growing soft and hard leadership skills will be essential to ensuring program success.

Emerging leaders aiming to excel in digital transformation need to cultivate a visionary mindset to drive innovation, effectively build cross-functional teams and understand when to integrate new technologies and seek outside expertise.

Leveraging trusted partners can help fill skill gaps in your team and integrate scalable technology solutions. Additionally, partners with decades of diverse experience throughout various manufacturing environments ensure you can employ data-driven strategies with deep smart-factory expertise to help optimize your results.

Ultimately, an effective framework and leadership will set the stage for a feasible solution that meets smart factory goals, creates business value, supports a long-term strategy and can potentially provide a catalyst for new business models and markets.


About the Author:


Chris LeBeau is the Chief Technology Officer at Advanced Technology Services, Inc. (ATS)



ML Journal

Three Strategies to Mitigate the Manufacturing Skills Gap

To mitigate an acute labor shortage, manufacturers can source local talent, develop internal talent, or create partnerships to grow talent externally. 


Manufacturers can achieve cost savings and realize operational benefits by developing strategies to recruit and retain local talent.
Companies can develop robust “in house” training programs to develop much-needed skills, but such initiatives require significant time and money.
By managing the skills gap through external collaborative public-private partnerships, manufacturers can build a talent pipeline for near-term and long-term needs.  


A recent study by Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute indicated that the manufacturing skills gap could result in 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030, representing a cost of $1 trillion in 2030 alone. From a manufacturing perspective, the skills gap is generally defined as the inability to find workers who have the manual, operational, and highly technical skills, knowledge, or expertise to fill open positions. However, the manufacturing skills gap is a problem that many manufacturers are not only anticipating for the future, but they are also facing today. The ability to recruit manufacturing talent at all levels and retain that talent is at the forefront of problem-solving for many global manufacturers.

Companies have started to develop many strategies to mitigate the risks of the skills gap. From increased automation to changes in immigration policies, companies are working to develop solutions to ensure they have the workforce required for their production lines. JLL’s site selection and location strategy team has helped clients navigate the complexities of global labor markets. We highlight three strategies that can help solve immediate labor market shortages and develop a pipeline of talent to shrink the anticipated gap:

  1. Find Local Talent: Companies derive immense strategic value when they identify areas that have the specific types of talent they need for a production process and then locate operations there. By developing strategies to recruit and retain local talent, companies can realize massive financial savings and operational benefits.
  2. Develop Talent Internally: Many companies seek to develop manufacturing skills internally through internal training programs, especially when a local market cannot supply sufficient talent or a specific type of talent.
  3. Grow Talent Externally: As a complementary option to the first two strategies, manufacturers can enhance collaborations with local communities, community colleges, technical schools, and universities to proactively develop the skills they will need and build a pipeline of talent for the future.

Find Local Talent

Labor markets across the U.S. and the world are inherently different and no two markets have the same size and composition of skills. Each labor market also has an existing ecosystem of manufacturers that create a unique competitive environment for talent. Manufacturers can strategically locate in markets with large volumes and deep concentrations of the skills their production process requires. This strategy also requires an understanding of the existing demand for that talent to ensure a company can both recruit and retain talent. While companies can use many published sources to understand the supply side of talent markets, the demand side often requires in-person interviews with local subject matter experts.

As an example, highly automated manufacturing processes that employ mainly skilled technicians and engineers will want to locate to labor markets with deep pools of technical talent. In contrast, a more manual production process that can hire lower-skilled employees does not need to locate to the same technical labor market but could seek a talent market with more general manufacturing skills.

According to EMSI Lightcast, the current highest in-demand jobs in manufacturing include maintenance technicians, machine operators, material handlers, and forklift drivers. When looking into the future, most studies suggest that the in-demand manufacturing jobs will have an increased focus on engineering, technology, and robotics. Job titles such as machine operator, production technician, and process engineer are just a few of the jobs that will grow in demand and technological complexity (Table 1).

Table 1: Most In-Demand Manufacturing Jobs (August 2023–July 2024)

To illustrate the differences between labor markets, consider the two highest in-demand jobs––maintenance technicians and machine operators. For maintenance technicians, large volumes of talent exist in all major metropolitan areas, but there are relatively few large metro areas that also have a large concentration of that talent (meaning high proportion of maintenance technicians as compared to the national average). Stand-out markets include Houston and Detroit, which have typically been dominated by the oil & gas and automotive industries. What the supply-side data do not illustrate is that the level of competition in both these markets is very high (Figure 1). As an example, recent interviews with local recruiters in Houston indicated that nearly all maintenance technicians are employed by local energy companies that offer above market salaries and are nearly impossible to compete against.

Figure 1: Maintenance Technician Volume & LQ by MSA

In contrast, the landscape for machine operators is more concentrated in the Midwest. These markets have typically been dominated by the automative industry for decades and have developed a large volume of skilled operators. Also, the automotive industry and manufacturing in general have been the largest employers in the region, giving these markets high concentrations of machine operator talent as well. Stand-out markets include Detroit, Cleveland, Grand Rapids, and Milwaukee. While the supply-side view of the data do not provide any insight on the competitive nature in those markets, recent interviews indicate a generally lower level of competition in many of the Midwest’s legacy manufacturing markets (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Machine Operators Volume & LQ by MSA

Once manufacturers identify a market that has a good alignment between the skills they require and those that are available locally, they need to develop a robust recruitment and retention plan to ensure the ability to hire and keep that talent. These strategies include shortened hiring times, streamlined interview processes, competitive compensation packages, first-line supervisor leadership training, and flexible work schedules, to name a few.

Develop Talent Internally

Internal training has become a growing standard among manufacturers that need specific skills that they cannot recruit locally, or even nationally. Many skills, such as the maintenance technician, are in high demand in nearly every market across the U.S., creating a nationwide shortage that cannot be solved by location strategy alone. Internal training for these highly skilled positions, or even lower-skilled positions, enable manufacturers to enlarge the recruitment catchment pool by removing specific skills, education, and/or years of experience requirements. Companies then focus on developing robust internal training programs to cultivate the skills they need, whether that is general production operator skills training or more robust maintenance technician apprentice programs.

Consider this example: If a manufacturer were seeking to hire CNC programmers, the national labor pool is 29,010. At the entry level, a CNC programmer typically requires a certificate or associate’s degree and 2–3 years of experience. Should a manufacturer widen its search and seek to employ CNC operators and train them internally to be programmers, the total labor pool would increase to 218,362 (Table 2). Moreover, if a manufacturer were willing to spend additional training time it could broaden its recruitment pool to include general machinists and machine operators, increasing the total talent pool to over 1.7 million potential candidates nationally.

Table 2: Volume of CNC Programmers and Related Occupations

This approach, while generally effective, requires both a long lead time and a large capital expenditure to create the classroom environment and on-the-job training conditions required to train complex skills. Also, some training will require 2–3 years, and manufacturers will need to plan sufficiently for the long lead time required to train in-house. Moreover, the investment of time, money, and resources will require manufacturers to look at retention plans and work to maximize employee engagement and retention so that the capital invested to train candidates does not end up elsewhere once they complete training.

Grow Talent Externally

A third strategy to managing the skills gap is through collaborative public-private partnerships between manufacturers, local community colleges or technical colleges, universities, and local economic development agencies to proactively develop training programs and curriculum to support the skills required by the manufacturing industry. This approach applies to both the skills needed in the near term, and those anticipated into the future. Many examples exist in which local communities and higher education institutes directly influence the volume and quality of candidates that enter the labor market. This approach to skills development plays a critical role in developing a talent pipeline, sometimes across generations, as many communities are introducing manufacturing skills and education as early as the primary school level.

Finding communities that have either made or are willing to make a notable investment in technical training programs either through existing community colleges or training institutes is a good starting point to solving the skills gap challenge. Often it is easier to incrementally enhance an existing skills training program than start from scratch with an entirely new initiative. In fact, many states and local communities are extremely proactive, forward thinking, and collaborative, and are willing to make the necessary investments to enhance the talent pipeline supporting a community.

The map below highlights the volume of graduates from maintenance repair-related programs (either associate’s degrees or certificate programs) (Figure 3). Phoenix has the large volume of graduates (5,000+), followed by Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, and Houston.

Figure 3: 2023–2023 Maintenance Repair-Related Programs


The skills gap is a current and future problem with massive consequences for the U.S. manufacturing industry. The need to find immediate solutions while also developing strategies to mitigate future difficulties has driven many manufacturers to turn significant focus on their “people operations.”  Whether companies choose to locate (or relocate) their operations into a specific labor market, develop internal training programs to fill local skills shortages, partner with local communities to develop a pipeline of manufacturing talent, or use other strategies, the need to proactively solution around a nationwide shortage of manufacturing skills exists for most companies across the manufacturing industry. Manufacturers that proactively work to develop solutions are likely to gain significant advantage in an increasingly tight national labor market.  M

About the authors:


Shannon Curley is executive managing director, Business Consulting at JLL.




Matt Jackson is executive managing director, Business Consulting at JLL.


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